Why We Walk

Why Should You Walk for Hope?

Faster diagnosis. Improved treatments. Revolutionary research.

Walk for Hope creates breakthroughs at CHOP’s Center for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) through 40+ active research studies. This event is creating new hope for children with this painful disease. But we can’t do it alone.

Did you know?

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    Inflammatory bowel disease is the fastest-growing autoimmune disorder in children younger than 5.

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    The Center for Pediatric IBD at CHOP annually treats more than 1,800 young patients.

Breakthrough research

The past few years have produced an incredible amount of new knowledge about the genetics of IBD and treatment options. Our expert gastroenterologists, geneticists and researchers are actively working together to evaluate DNA and the microbiome with the goal of developing the next innovative treatments for individuals with IBD. Below are some of the breakthrough research studies funded by Walk for Hope.

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    Creation of an IBD biorepository
    CHOP is creating a repository of biological samples — blood, urine and stool — from patient colonoscopies and surgical resections for IBD and gastrointestinal (GI) research.

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    Increasing diversity of IBD research patients
    In collaboration with Emory University, CHOP is completing a “Genesis AA” study to compare patients – African American vs. Caucasians of European descent – who have IBD. The goal is to identify any genetic similarities in how the disease occurs (inherited vs. acquired) in each population, as well improve the chances of gene discoveries to better support African American patients.

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    Growing “good” gut bacteria
    In the “Treating IBD with Inulin” study, children aged 8-12 with IBD in clinical remission and who are not taking medication, are given a food supplement called inulin to potentially improve their overall health. The hope is by growing healthy bacteria in their gut, it will decrease inflammation.

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    Will medication improve IBD symptoms?
    CHOP is collaborating with MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Massachusetts to study whether biomarkers in a patients’ blood can offer early clues about whether Remicade (infliximab) could be an effective treatment for certain individuals with IBD.

Our ambassadors

Patient ambassadors for Walk for Hope have a big job to do. It’s up to them to represent the millions of children living with inflammatory bowel disease. As they share their stories, they help the world understand the toll that IBD takes and why it’s worth supporting institutions like Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Meet Our Ambassadors